Yuko Ueda 上田優子


My main focus is expressive colors and harmonies of materials.
My inspiration comes from nature, life and the human spirit.

Petrushka #3 (2008)

Personal visual experiences of color and shape in nature are the deepest motives of my art work.
Poetic memory fragments, –such as vibrant flowers, wild berry’s, vivid red in the winter field, or stormy sky, dark grey, a rainbow, salmon pink clouds shines over the water.–They are often recalled as elements and appear on my canvases. It is not a record, but an appearance.

I collect small man-made materials and natural pieces to incorporate them onto canvases. It is a joy to see all individual colors and materials harmonize altogether.
Abstract painting is to me about combination of spontaneous action and control. Each stroke and drip, lines and color layers reflect my thoughts and feelings.
In front of the canvas, I feel pleasure becoming a medium itself, I create my art works in a quite natural way.


2009 アート・ステューデンツ・リーグ・オブ・ニューヨーク ファインアーツ・4年間のプログラム修了
2007 ミュラル・ワークショップ, Advanced Studies in Public Art, National Academy, NY, USA
1999 多摩美術大学デザイン科グラフィックデザイン卒業

個展・Solo Exhibition

2009 Color Voices, Grace Institute Gallery, Exhibition and Artist talk, New York, NY
2008 Seven Paintings, Buchman Tower Lobby Gallery, 680 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
2008 roots of thoughts: journey of paintings, Galerie RECOLTE(ギャラリーレコルテ)、福岡
2007 roots of thoughts: journey of paintings, Seed gallery, Dumbo, NY
2004 季楽工房、福岡
2003 Galerie RECOLTE(ギャラリーレコルテ)、福岡

Seven Paintings, Buchman Tower Lobby Gallery

主なグループ展・Selected Group Exhibition

2010 Two Person Show, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey L. L. P., Rockefeller Plaza, NY
2009 Little Treasures, Flinn Gallery, Greenwich, CT
2008 ビエンナーレ熊本IV、熊本県立美術館 Biennale Kumamoto IV, Kumamoto Prefectual Museum of Art, Kumamoto, Japan
2008 Two person show and Panel Discussion, Cipriani Club 55, New York, NY
2008 Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY
2008 On the Lighter Side, Gallery 100, Saratoga Spring, NY
2008 Landscape, PriceWaterHouse Coopers and Manhattan Borough Presidents Office, NY
2008 Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide Inc, New York, NY
2007 Mural Workshop Fellowship Recipients Exhibition of Mural Design, National Academy School of Fine Arts, NY
2007 Breath of Light, Seed gallery, Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY
2007 The Silk Road, Rosenthal Gallery, Stamford, CT
2007 National Juried Visual Arts Exhibition, The Pen and Brush Galleries, New York, NY
2006 Gloria Kennedy Gallery, Dumbo, Brooklyn, NY
2006 Annual Show, Japanese Artists Association of New York, Tenri Cultural Institute, NY

アートフェア・Art Fairs

2009 Affordable Art Fair 2009, with The Art Students League of New York, NY

受賞歴・Grants, Awards and Residencies

2009 Grand Prize, NYCoo Gallery Open call Contest, New York, NY
2009 Purchase Award, Permanent Collection, The Art Students League of New York, NY
2009 国吉アワード Kuniyoshi Award, The Art Students League, Sara and Yasuo Kuniyoshi Foundation, NY
2008 藤森愛美審査員賞 Manami Fujimori Award, ISE Cultural Foundation, NY
2008 Lloyd Sherwood Grant, The Art Students League of New York, NY
2008 Scholarship for Summer Workshop, Anderson Ranch Arts Center, CO

カーネギーホール, 'PLAYBILL', カバーアート

2007 Carnegie Hall, PLAYBILL, Cover Art work, Prize winner of October Issue, NY
2007 Edwin Austin Abbey Mural Workshop Fellowship, National Academy School of Fine Arts, NY
2006 Reginald Marsh and Felicia Meyers Marsh Merit Scholarship, The Art Students League of New York, NY

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